
Friday 23 October 2015

Autumn's Gift

A leisurely afternoon's stroll around some of the little-visited gardens of Cambridge. Many of those hurrying through the city streets are unaware of these places. Here is Autumn's gift to them.....

....for the tattooed man singing to the accompaniment of the pneumatic drill on the building site....

....for the Muslim woman in the black hijab and pink Skullcandy headphones....

....for the man in the business suit striding urgently down Regent Street clutching a tin of  Whiskas cat-food....

....for the young woman sitting on the pavement begging for change....and reading War And Peace....

....for the person dressed as a polar bear jogging around Parker's Piece (no, I don't know why)....

....for the busker playing the spoons....

....for whoever has to pick up all the litter left in the city centre every morning after the reckless, selfish behaviour of the merry-makers of the night before....

....for weary, bearded man carrying a camera and trudging along Station Road to catch the train....

....ah, that was me!

Take care.


  1. And it feels so good to enjoy the miracles of nature!

  2. I appreciate the gifts from both the Autumn and you

  3. I was just going to ask whether you got your train... Great photos - and I really enjoyed the thoughtful imagery of the dedications.

  4. Fotografias fantásticas.
    Gostei do blog.
    Um abraço.

  5. Beautiful photos! And I love the awareness of the people around you, John....

  6. These are beautiful photos, and I love how you saw the people who were not seeing this splendor all around them.

  7. Wow, you found such great light and beautiful fall colors all over town!

  8. All the photos are favourites -very beautiful. It can be hard to take in our surroundings when our minds and/or hearts are burdened. I hope some of these people did catch a glimpse of the beauty around them.

  9. A super post John! Such stunning Autumn colours and scenes! Thank you for sharing your walk to the station.

    I bet the jogger was a little hot in that polar bear outfit!

  10. Your weariness is much appreciated John, your thoughtful post is beautiful and your photos are stunning, I feel I could reach into the water to touch the ducks.

  11. All the photos are beautiful, but I especially like the last one of the leaf.

  12. Before I read that last line I thought 'I wonder if that is John!'

    As usual perfect shots and perfect words to go with them.

  13. Brillinat photos... Like the comment above, I also though that last one sounded like you, before I read it was!

  14. Such wonderful fall colors and October light. The third one with the huge leaves is my favorite.

  15. Precious autumn moments! Amazing photographs!!! I like to see what you are seeing.

  16. Great photos, and your dedications create quite a picture in my mind. Very creative.

  17. Pure inspiration, John. Fine photos and I can see the Cambridge characters to whom you dedicate the photos. I almost saw you, too, but you turned a corner before I could get a good look.

  18. I love these images! The very first one has so many layers, planes, depths of field. And the colors, oh maw gawd. It is amazing how we pass by these beautiful sights all the time, without looking up.

  19. And for me the housewife who had to clean the house today. Fabulous shots of this beautiful garden. We should all spend more time smelling the flowers or appreciating the Autumn colours. We don't have those colours in Brisbane, its too warm all year round for deciduous trees. We have to be content with the colours of tropical plants.

  20. I’m marveled at your photos which show us not only the splendor but also the moody beauty of autumn. I smiled at the last punch line, but you had taken photos of the autumn’s wonders till you had to hurry up to the station. I’d be unaware when I don’t carry a camera with me. Thanks for sharing all these miracle shots.


  21. You sound like a student of the human condition the way you notice all the details of the park denizen. The photos are just wonderful to see, as I don't see a lot of autumn colors here in New Zealand.

  22. What I liked about your post today was not only is it about beautiful plants and animals -- it is you describing the surrounding human-scape in simple words -- very nice! -- barbara

  23. Cambridge folk sound as varied as the autumn colours. Lovely post, John.

  24. A great post John ... I had a laugh at " the businessman striding down regent St clutching a can of whiskas" oh! and by the way .... lovely pics

  25. Sounds like you have some interesting characters in Cambridge - including the weary old man! Great pictures you've collected for them.

  26. This is such a great post:) Fabulous photographs and I love the people they are for too especially the businessman with his tin of Whisked:):)

  27. What a great gift you gave them all, a shame that they may not know - apart from the weary bearded man of course :)

  28. Breathtaking colours, John! WOW!

  29. I did enjoy this show! I LOVE the color of the world every autumn...

  30. And it is a gift - one we treasure as we go into winter and a world of whiteness...thanks for the lovely colours, John....

  31. Wonderful post. The autumn colours are truly breathtaking and each of these beautiful photos and the fascinating lines of your text would deserve a comment of its own.
    Speaking of which, you write lovely comments that make the blog owner very happy. :)

  32. Wonderful colorful autumn !! (Fig 6 is cute)


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