
Tuesday 8 September 2015

A Touch Of The Irish

There's not only East Anglian music at the East Anglian Traditional Music Trust's Traditional Music Day at the Museum Of East Anglian Life in Stowmarket. This year we were also treated to some tunes of the Irish sort from three extremely talented young musicians.

Sisters Orlaith and Brogan McAuliffe's family are from Killarney but were brought up in London where there is a flourishing Irish music scene. Darren Breslin is originally from Co Fermanagh but now also resides in London.

Orlaith played a stunning solo piece during the set but I was stupid enough not to record it. Actually I'm much happier to tap my feet and sway about in time to the tunes rather than sit still and hold a camera steady; my feet were certainly stomping around during their set. 

Darren Breslin also played solo on one number, a Finbarr Dwyer tune. As a rather plodding squeezeboxer myself I could only sit open-mouthed at the acrobatic fingering which seemed so effortless - though he'd certainly worked up a good sweat by the end of the afternoon!

Last but by no means least we have Brogan McAuliffe on that wonderful instrument, the concertina. Like the others in the trio she plays in other musical line-ups including The London Lasses, described by Irish Music Magazine as "one of the best bands on the scene today". 

I suppose you'd like to hear them then.....

Hear are some links to other You Tube videos of members of the trio: - Orlaith, solo flute - Orlaith, whistle - Orlaith and Brogan, flute and concertina - Darren Breslin and friends.

Keep tappin' those feet and...

take care!


  1. Beautiful photos, and very happy music.
    I love the Irish dance .. just watching :)

  2. Wish I could have been there!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time there! Such exuberance.

  4. Even if this music is not your cup of tea, you have to admire they can certainly play those instruments in a very professional and competent manner John.

  5. Wonderful music. With such traditional Irish names they just had to have some Irish talent!

  6. I DO love Irish music, toe tapping for sure!

  7. I immediately started toe tapping. Fun to listen to and to see.

  8. I don't believe anyone could listen to Irish music and not tap the toes :) that was a bit of a treat John, mervi beaucoup!

  9. Oh my part Irish heritage was awakened by your video of those young Irish musicians. Wonderful! -- barbara


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