
Thursday 6 August 2015

Plenty Of Colour

We've been to Bressingham Gardens before and you can see those posts here and here. But when I went yesterday I just concentrated on the marvellous colour. 

The gardens were started by the horticulturalist Alan Bloom - what better name could there be for a gardener than Mr Bloom?

Take care.


  1. I am pleased to see Crocosmia Lucifer thriving in one of your photographs. It is one of my favourites and is flourishing in my garden at the moment too.

  2. Wonderful, I particularly like the 6th photo with those lovely grasses. I love it when people's names fit their role. I came across a church in a very pretty village in USA that had a Reverend Bliss as its minister. I'm sure he must have felt his position there was close to heaven on earth.

  3. That is the perfect name for a gardener. What a lovely garden it is too - so much colour.

  4. Such a beautiful garden, the colours are amazing:)

  5. The garden has to be very beautiful because these photos of lovely flowers ae all so very wonderful (my favorite are fig 3 and 4 :)

  6. Such a beautiful garden there. Wonderful, rich colors everywhere!

  7. The sea of beautiful flowers!!! This is such the incredible garden and you captured its soul perfectly!!!

  8. Wonderful colour for any garden!

  9. Great color! Mr. Bloom was masterful in combining color and texture. I suppose the name Bloom does suggest a path in life!

  10. All these photos of brightly color flowers made me smile.

  11. Oh, if my gardens looked only half as good as these I would be so happy!

  12. I am seriously jealous. I have been on their web site and have always loved their gardens. Fabulous photos.

  13. I very much enjoyed all your photos - marvelous colour indeed. I have just found your blog and I look forward to reading. I grew up in Suffolk and this is bringing back such good memories. I like that you close each entry with 'take care' very appropriate.

  14. Your photos are awesome! The compositions and colors are magnificent.

  15. Marvelous colors indeed John, and gorgeous flowers.

  16. Beautiful colours - your photos are marvelous, John. I visited a neighbour last evening and was so impressed with the deep, rich purple flowers on what she said was a Hummingbird Bush (don't know the proper name)

  17. Sure is plenty of colour. The gardens are beautiful. Its a shame they can't stay like that all year round.

  18. Oh my gosh John, soooo pretty. Mr. Bloom really did a wonderful job here!

  19. Oh, my goodness, what a lot of gorgeous, gorgeous color!!!! Yep, perfect name for a gardener!

  20. 27C and fine, sounds like you're having a perfect day John!

  21. This is quite a colorful group of flower images. Nice!

  22. Hello, John!
    Your most recent post is very beautiful, but I'm mesmerised by the colours and textures and compositions of this one. The images are perfect, I wouldn't find anything to add or to take away. Oh yes, the Gardens are beautiful and your photos are marvellous.
    Thank you for sharing!


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