
Sunday 2 August 2015


The rural landscape is in a constant state of change and not always for the worse. A wander in the countryside recently yielded these photographs of field margins which have been left for conservation purposes, floral borders for the agro-industry of East Anglia. 

Take care.


  1. I love wildflowers. We live in the desert, so our wildflowers, few that they are, are homes to so many tidy critters that you would never pick them for bouquets. I miss my childhood when I lived near the wood and picking wildflowers was one of my favorite things to do. Momma always had bouquets in the summer months:)

  2. Every little bit helps! I wish we had a program like that here.

  3. Beautiful! My garden is looking a bit like this at the moment. I like it but I'm not sure if my neighbours do - guess who has the most butterflies and bees!

  4. Wonderful field margins John - wish our fields were big enough to leave margins, but like all Dales fields they are too small. Wonderful wealth of wild flowers - super photographs.

  5. Hello. I dropped over from Weaver's place. Last week the verges in Wisconsin looked much like yours, except I do no remember the thistles. Perhaps not in head yet. Your photos are wonderful.

  6. Wildflowers exist in such a wide variety! Your photos are lovely and a joy to watch.

  7. Thistles, although prickly, are really quite lovely. And Queen Anne's lace is so pretty blowing in the breeze.

  8. So beautiful, like lace and tapestry.

  9. One feels there is still hope.....

  10. I really like these...not sure which would be my favorite.

  11. Nice collection of wildflowers!

  12. You have captured some of my favorite scenes -- the wild ones. the photos are wonderful -- barbara

  13. Lovely meadows full of wild flowers.
    When I was last week in the countryside, I took also photos of flowers but they are not at all as beautiful a your images :)

  14. A lovely tapestry of wildflowers.

  15. Oh, lovely wildflowers to make the bees, butterflies and photographers happy!

  16. What a lovely sight to see a meadow full of those lovely flowers!

    1. Oh what pretty fields of wild flowers! And beautifully captured too!

  17. Thank you for your comment about immigrants on my site today John. Your saying that we invaded their country first reminded me of a book I have recently read: When a crocodile eats the sun - by Peter Godwin. It is about Zimbabwe and the troubles there. Excellent book if you can find a copy (mine was £2 from Amazon). In it he quotes someone as saying - the greatest crime was us invading Africa and the second greatest crime was us leaving it.

  18. Beautiful photos, John. I particularly like the first two. Nature gently spreading her bounty of seeds.

  19. It surprises me how much this field of wildflowers looks like fields here in California. Lovely.

  20. Totally gorgeous images John, j'adore wildflowers en masse.. Looking forward to spring here next month to capture something similar!


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