
Friday 17 July 2015

Visiting Sidney

If you're in Cambridge and want to see Sidney then you should first proceed to Sainsbury's supermarket. Just across the narrow street is a small wooden door behind which you'll find Sidney.

Sidney Sussex College was founded in 1596 as Lady Frances Sidney Sussex College after its foundress. Regular readers of this blog might remember it as the final resting place of Oliver Cromwell's rather battered and well-travelled head. (If you click on the green print you'll be able to enjoy the gory story in all its glory). 

If you make your way from Hall Court, pictured above, into Cloister Court.... can then make your way around the back to the gardens where it's difficult to realise that you're very close to the bustling city centre.

You shouldn't see the last view because, apart from the fact that the gardener will have moved his wheelbarrow, you'll be trespassing on the Master's Garden. I know this because I spotted this sign on the way out....

Don't go there but have a look at the rest of the grounds instead...

So if you're ever in Cambridge and find yourself outside Sainsbury's, in the company of the man selling the Big Issue magazine, just wander across the street and see if Sidney is receiving visitors.

You can have a look at the Chapel too, not as grand as some others but infinitely preferable to the frozen food aisle in the supermarket. We'll have a look at the Chapel next time.

Take care.


  1. Liked that very much - trademark laconic, but engaging, text - plus excellent photos. I really should get out to Sainsbury's more..!

  2. Oh! how absolutely gorgeous. If I ever get to Sainsbury's in Cambridge I'll remember to cross that road and check out Sidney

  3. This is fantastic. I love such buildings with so much history, so many stories. And the garden is lovely too...

  4. I was quite relieved to read into this John - I thought at first we might be going to meet a tramp or something - then i thought we might encounter a gory Cromwell's head - but what we eventually met was a very beautiful and peaceful garden, albeit part of it trespass.

  5. I really love places like this, and it's lovely you take me with to look it. The garden is beautiful, and you took some wonderful details, too. Great photos !!

  6. What beautiful gardens! Thanks for sharing.

  7. What a magnificent place

  8. This is a beautiful post!!! The garden is so well taken care and so wonderful! How good that there are such places on this earth.

  9. I love the cloister, it looks as though not many people find the entrance to Sidney Sussex.. How fortunate that you didn't see the Private sign until it was too late otherwise we would all have missed a beautiful part of the garden:)

  10. I would much prefer looking around in this beauty spot than go to any supermarket. Being master of College in Cambridge must not only mean hard work and great honour but the privilege of having a very fine garden.

  11. What lovely gardens, perhaps a shame that they are seen by few but then if they were busier maybe they wouldn't be so lovely. Thanks for the peek at them.

  12. The gardens are beautiful. And I love the shadows in the second photo! Well captured. Sorry to say, I do remember the story about the well-traveled head. :)

  13. I really like the roof line of Sidney Sussex College in photo 1. All the gardens are wonderful, but I especially like the last photo.

  14. Beautiful gardens and buildings hidden away in the city. The college looks such a peaceful place and an oasis in which to concentrate on studies. Oops! But I'm sure you're not the first to trespass upon the master's garden!

  15. You have a fine blend of images today. I will get a snack at Sainsbury's, visit the college, and then get a later refreshment on leaving. How convenient.

  16. You do find the most beautiful places to take a walk and look around. Love the lush gardens there.

  17. Still enjoying the show!


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