
Monday 8 June 2015

Just A Note.... regular readers to let them know that I'm still around. Nothing terribly interesting or interestingly terrible is happening in my life; just taking a break from blogging  - but I'll be back quite soon. In the meantime here's something which I found amusing on YouTube, just to let you know how infantile this person dwelling at the other end of hyperspace can be! 

Take care (especially if you're a grandparent!)


  1. Have a good blogging break. Look forward to your return. Katharine

  2. I've just returned as you start your blogging break! Enjoy your break and come back soon.

  3. I'm going through the same issue myself. May follow your lead and slack off some from the blog also. Nothing wrong in being a slacker. I enjoyed the video. Have an enjoyable break away.

  4. Good to have a break if you feel like it John - you shouldn't feel under any compulsion to blog every day - but having said that I do miss your informative posts.

  5. Haha, what fun that was - thanks for sharing it! Hope you've enjoyed taking a break.

  6. Glad to know nothing interestingly terrible has happened to you. I was wondering. Now enjoy your break!

  7. Good to know that all is well and that you're taking a break. Enjoy your time off!

  8. Thank you - a much needed laugh for a pair of equally over-burdened grandparents!
    See you soon.

  9. I shall watch my Ps and Qs, being a great-grandparent now - and shrinking!!! Will look forward to your return, John.

  10. ha ha, such a good video. Enjoy your break.

  11. I am one of those who wondered where you have gone, though, to be frank, I have been traveling a bit in recent weeks and have spent less blog viewing time than I would like. So, have fun doing whatever, and come back when you want.

  12. I'm so glad you are planning a comeback. ;))

  13. Brilliant! - the video, I mean, not your break; don't stay away too long and don't do anything I wouldn't do.

  14. Oh I love the video! I really need to go to a folk festival soon, they look like so much fun. Hope you get a good break and are back soon. I'm very busy myself so I know the feeling! - Tasha

  15. Haha! Video made me laugh :) Happy blog break John, it's a good idea now and then.

  16. Pretty funny! Blog breaks are good... recharge your battery!


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