
Thursday 12 February 2015


When you stroll through narrow Victorian terraced streets, where the front door opens right on to the pavement, you can't help but notice all the little ways in which the householders have individualised their properties. Here's a selection of door-knockers; still popular despite the invention of the electric doorbell!

Take care.


  1. Huge variety there. You'd think Saltaire would have some but there is not a wide variety - quite a few of the lion heads here.

  2. I much prefer knockers to doorbells! What a great collection you have found.

  3. A fabulous collection of knockers. I'm intrigued in how you can get 3 pics in a row and with a shadow.

  4. A wonderful display of door knockers there. I love the sun and the bird!

  5. Never thought that the door knockers can be so wonderful. You probably collected them for a long time. It's not so easy to find an interesting door knocker.

    Beautiful photos of door knockers!

  6. So much fun! When I visited Malta last September, I came across an old city in which many homes had interesting door knockers that I photographed. Some of the classical ones are similar to yours, but your unusual door knockers are fun.

  7. My favourite is definitely the woodpecker. And I was rather amused to see a Charles I knocker. :)

  8. Wow - how cool! No one around where I live uses door knockers. Nice collection!

  9. Vauu , you have found a lot of wonderful knokers. Lovely collection.

  10. I was of course immediately attracted to your post by its title. And I'd like to say I wasn't disappointed. It's a great subject for a post and you have assembled some wonderful examples!

  11. I wonder who lives behind the trowel door knocker - an avid gardener perhaps or a local archaeologist? I've enjoyed looking at all of them:)

  12. Oh my they're wonderful. We picked up quite a nice old door knocker in Spain many years ago. We always said we'd put it up in our forever home. Moved a half dozen times since then and it still isn't up

  13. wonderful knockers! Hmmm...idea: nicker knocker....cast in bronze....

  14. What a wonderful collection and beautifully displayed, how did you do that?

  15. Have always been fascinated by door knockers -- thanks for the nice photo selection. -- barbara

  16. Beautifully photographed, John. We were given a door knocker for a wedding present, and it has always been on our front door until we moved to town, and now it graces the back garden door, - not used often, but brings back memories of the friend who gave it to u.

  17. Oh my what a fab collection of doorknobs you have here John, each and every one a treasure, thank goodness I don't have to make a choice, that could take a while :)

  18. These are brilliant John - I think there is a book here somewhere using all the pictures you take. They are all so fascinating.

  19. You haven't found one like mine - a Victorian lady's hand to tap gently at our door.


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