
Thursday 13 November 2014

A Day In North Norfolk

Some pictures from a birdwatching day when more time was spent peering through the binoculars than at the camera's LCD screen.

The beach at Titchwell. The black shape on the beach is the remains of a WWII pillbox. Searching for Snow Buntings but got fine views of a Peregrine Falcon devouring its breakfast. Lots of Sanderlings running and feeding along the tideline. Common Scoters out on the sea.

Man with tripod and telescope. Quite a few people were sea-watching - peering out to sea through powerful scopes at distant specks flying by. 

A strange construction made from flotsam at the foot of the dunes.

Squally showers were forecast for lunchtime - they weren't joking! Only one thing for it....

...strategic retreat to the Jolly Sailors pub for a pint of Brancaster Best and a bite to eat.

Then on to Holkham in sunshine. This is Salt's Hole, a small pond near the dunes. 

Through the pine plantation to the sound of Jays and Goldcrests.

Overlooking the Freshmarsh from the Jordan Hide. There were several hundred Pink-Footed Geese out there, recently flown in from the Arctic to spend the next few months basking in the relative warmth of the North Norfolk winter. Marsh Harriers were lazily gliding by, rimmed with gold by the sinking sun.

Holkham beach, ribbed by the retreating tide and scattered with footprints and razor-shells.

Inshore fishing. Still no Snow Buntings on the beach or the saltmarsh.

Evening clouds gather to bring down the curtain on a grand day.

(many thanks to my brother who was doing the driving!)

Take care.


  1. This must have been the perfect day - grand scenery, grand photos (the man with the tripod is may favourite) and a good pub. What more could one want?

  2. Looks like you had a fabulous day. I'm impressed that you managed to drag yourself out of the Jolly Sailors - especially as your brother was driving.

  3. Looks like a nice drive. I was just thinking how I'd enjoy a visit to a nice British pub. Nice to see the Belted Galloways; hardly ever seen over here.

  4. Lovely herd of Belted Galloways John - they are becoming much more popular.

    North Norfolk coast - my favourite place in the country. Especially the area around Blakeney and staying in the Blakeney Hotel = superb.

  5. Love seeing the beach, the clouds, the cows, the ribbed retreating tide-print. What a beautiful, blustery day for a walk.

  6. I think Flotsam Man scared the Snow Buntings away. Looks like a day well-spent.

  7. Some prime birdwatching landscape and beautiful.
    Wish I could scan it for those winter visitors. My list has stalled,

  8. Nice photos. And I enjoyed your camping story! Thanks for sharing.

  9. You live in a beautiful area. Your posts are always full of all types of cultural scenes. Did not know you were a birdwatcher or is this just an excuse to visit the beach? Of course all your photos were wonderful.-- barbara.

  10. You live in such a beautiful part of the globe John.

  11. Some lovely scenes here, John.

  12. So many different landscapes in a one same day. Wonderful places, you have to be very happy to live in such a beautiful and interesting country.

  13. Super photos John, love the scenery and I especially enjoyed the ridged effect of the sand on Holkham beach and the mention of razor clams. I haven't seen one of those for a very long time and they used to fascinate me. Gorgeous sky shots also.

  14. I really like the photo of the lines in the sand. Ah, so there are still some remains of the WWII pill boxes, which I've read about but never seen for myself. I haven't seen any snow buntings here yet either.


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